Leeds Vineyard


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Articles (5 found)

A new Pentecost
Summary notes - the start of the new age, the new covenant, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, the grace of God coming to us.
Heaven on Earth - be filled with the Holy Spirit
The Kingdom of God, Heaven on Earth, is brought in by disciples who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Nik talks about being filled with the Spirit, so we can see the evidence in our lives of Him actively present in us.
The Gifts of the Spirit - tools of the kingdom
A study in the practical application of the gifts of the Spirit from 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Gifts of the Spirit - the God who speaks and acts
We worship a God who speaks - one of the ways He speaks is through gifts of the Spirit. David touches on some helpful hints from 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 with particular reference to speaking in tongues.
5. Stepping Out - Let Us Pray
Having moved out of our circle of comfort, made friends, told our story we look for the opportunity to pray for people. How can we do this?